Upcoming Holy Days & Events: Please call the Parish Office at 719-633-1457 x210 for more information or check out our parish bulletin on this website.
- Coffee & Donuts ( 1st, 2nd, 4th & 5th Sundays )
- Knights of Columbus Breakfasts in the Parish Hall (10/20, 11/17, 12/15)
- Vigil Mass for All Saints' Day on Thursday, October 31 at 5:30pm
- All Saints’ Day—November 1 - Holy Day - Masses at 7:45am, 1:30pm & 5:30pm
- All Souls’ Day—November 2 - Mass at Noon and 5:00pm
- Our Lady of Walsingham Academy Gala—November 8
- Senior Luncheon in the Parish Hall —November 14
- Chili Cookoff in the Parish Hall - November 16
- CRAFT BAZAAR in the Parish Hall—November 16 & 17
- Immaculate Conception transferred to December 9—Holy Day
- Bethlehem Handicrafts in the Parish Hall—December 14 & 15
- Our Lady of Walsingham Academy - Lessons and Carols - December 21