Dear Parishioners: It appears that our Coffee & Donut hospitality receptions after Sunday Masses are drawing in more and more people, which is a great thing! Thank you for attending and sharing time with your community and getting to know each other.
As popular as this time is to build community after Masses, it CANNOT continue without faithful volunteers. If you (and/or your family) are willing to help be a part of the team either before the 7:30am or 9:00am Masses for Set-Up, or Clean-Up after the 7:30am or 9:00am Masses. Please sign up thru the Sign Up Genius link call the parish office if you have an questions.
SET UP TEAM: 1) an organized set up team 2) an organized clean up team
CLEAN UP/LOCK UP TEAM: If there are 1-2 families working together to do this, it could go pretty fast.
3) BAKED GOODIES: Sign up to bring baked goods (either homemade or store bought) once a month. Thank you all for your kind consideration. |