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Faith Formation

Order of Christian Initiation for Adults (OCIA) (formally known as RCIA) is held on Sundays at 12:15pm, directly after the 11am Mass, downstairs in the church. If anyone is wanting to be brought into the Catholic Church, and is above the age of 18 years old, they must attend Order of Christian Initiation for Adults classes. Please see the tab above titled How to Become Catholic, contact Matt Jodziewicz at, or call 719-633-1457 x215 for more information.

Order of Christian Initiation for Children (OCIC) (formally known as RCIC): OCIC is a series for children from the ages of 7 to 17 who are not Catholic, or who are missing their First Sacraments, and would like to learn more about the Catholic Church. If you are interested in enrolling your child, please reach out to me Matt Jodziewicz at, or call 719-633-1457 x215.

Adult Faith Formation Studies

The Bible Timeline -- Tuesdays at either 1pm (St. Tarcisius Room) or 6:30pm (Blessed Carlo Acutis Room)

Catholic Bible Study: the Rosary -- Wednesdays at 1pm in the Parish Hall

The Catechism: Sacraments -- Thursdays at either 1pm (Tarcisius Room) or 6:30pm (Carlo Acutis Room)
Please contact the Parish Office, or Matt Jodziewicz at / 719-633-1457 x215, to register for any of these classes. 

Adult Confirmation:  Classes will begin on May 1st for adults who wish to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation. Please contact Matthew Jodziewicz at for more details or to register.

Parish School of Religion (PSR): Registration is still open! PSR is Corpus Christi's Sunday school option for children's religious education. It is held at the Corpus Christi Catholic Academy school building from 9:30am-10:45am. Please see the link provided in the Flocknote, or check the Corpus Christi website, for the appropriate form to register (send to Matthew Jodziewicz at Alternatively, you can register in person in the Parish Office.