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At Corpus Christi we strive to foster and create a " that is integrated with the liturgy and draws its fundamental characteristics from it. Not just any music, but a holy music, because the rites are holy; adorned with nobility of art, 

because for God we must give the best; universal, so that everyone can understand and celebrate. Especially, it should be well distinct and different from the music used for other purposes. ... [St. Paul VI said] “Not everything is valid, not everything is lawful, not everything is good. Here the sacred music must be joined with the beautiful in a harmonious and devout synthesis.” Pope Francis, Address of the Holy Father Francis to the Scholae Cantorum of the Italian Saint Cecilia Association, September 28, 2019.

Mass Schedule with Music

Saturday Anticipatory Mass at 5 PM: Supported by Music Director.


  • 7:30 AM Mass: Cantor and pianist Jeff Hodur leads congregation in hymns, joined by Music Director, Roderick Gorby, at the organ.
  • 9 AM Mass: Cantor and pianist Jeff Hodur leads congregation in hymns, joined by Clare Wilmes and Music Director, Roderick Gorby, at the organ.
  • 11 AM Mass: Angels and Saints Choir supported by organ.
  • 6 PM Mass: Supported by a chant schola and choir.