The altar serving program at Corpus Christi Parish is designed to answer the call of our late Holy Father John Paul II in Redemptionis Sacramentum Chapter II number 47 to encourage boys to serve at the altar. The primary mission of this program is designed to foster and encourage vocations to the Priesthood.
In order to be considered to serve at the altar you must be a registered active parishioner of Corpus Christi, have received the Sacraments of Reconciliation and First Holy Communion. You must also interview with the server coordinator and have a strong desire to serve the Lord at His Altar. Training will be provided once accepted into the program.
There are many opportunities for girls to serve throughout the Parish and on this website.
If you feel you are up to the challenge, please contact Justin Watson at 719.930.4575 or email justinwatson2@comcast.net for an interview.
Click links below to view the training material and basic expectations for for Altar Servers.