American Heritage Girls is a Christ-centered, family-friendly program for girls 5-18. The fun filled activities promote community service, skill enhancement and love of God and country. AHG was founded with the love of God, the love of families and for the love of children.
“I promise to love God, cherish my family, honor my country, and serve in my community.”
Life Skill Enhancement – Through multi-level badge program
Girl Leadership – Opportunities at all levels of programming
Developing Teamwork and Building Confidence – Through varied outdoor experiences
Character Development – Through community service and citizenship programs
Social Development – Through organized Special Events
Spiritual Development – Through religious awards program
Troop CO 0002 chartered by Corpus Christi Catholic Church meets the first, third and fifth (if there is one) Thursday of the month. We meet in the Parish Hall from 6:15 p.m. – 7:45 p.m. Our year officially runs from the end of August through May. Click Here for F.A.Q.’s.
Please contact Lindsey Dispoto for more information: lindseydispoto@gmail.com or 719-314-8855