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Vision Growing Art

Options for Financial Support

Corpus Christi Parish offers a variety of ways in which you may provide financial support.

Corpus Christi would like to thank the families who are  currently giving electronically. 

You may not see these fellow parishioners place an envelope 

in the basket every week, but their consistent giving does not  go unnoticed.  


If you would like to learn more about this easy, safe and secure way of giving, please contact Our Sunday 

Visitor 1.800.348.2886 x 2557 with any questions about or

Thank you for your generous giving! -Fr. Brian Roeseler

Your DMA Support is much needed!

We inch ever closer to obtaining our goal.  PLEASE HELP OUR PARISH OBTAIN OUR PLEDGE GOAL BY THE END OF JULY. We are about 20 K short of our pledge goal.   This year we applied for two additional grants (through the diocese), both to help restore the choir loft (as part of phase 3) which will benefit the parish and both schools. We should hear about these grants in July. These grants are only possible due to your generosity to the DMA.   Convenient online giving link: