Holy Orders is the sacrament by which people called by God are ordained for ministry in the Church to serve God and all of God’s people. It is called Holy Orders, in the plural, because there are three different ministries, or orders: episkopos (bishop), presbyter (priest), and diakonos (deacon).
There are two kinds of deacons, permanent deacons and transitional deacons. The transitional deacon is a man who either has completed or is completing his seminary training and intends to be ordained a priest. A permanent deacon is a man who may be married who has discerned that he wants to serve as an ordained minister in the Church; however, he does not intend to become a priest but he takes a vow not to remarry once his spouse dies. Deacons proclaim the Gospel and preach homilies, witness marriages, baptize, and assist the priest in the Liturgy of the Eucharist. He is also assigned by the bishop to a pastoral care ministry, such as to a hospital, prison, hospice, Life Support Center, etc.
You may find more information about becoming a priest of the Diocese of Colorado Springs, how to become a permanent deacon in this diocese, or more about other religious communities serving in the Diocese of Colorado Springs at their web page.
Please contact the Diocese of Colorado Springs Office for Vocations for more information. 719-636-2345